A project. A program. A movement.
A youth/family development & empowerment program, set to equip and engage “pupils" where they are at - cultivating a movement of high capacity leaders, creatives and entrepreneurs. Removing all unnecessary obstacles, lack of resources, & excuses.
Change starts with a chance and a choice.
We will only see change when there is a chance and a choice to make a change.
We are committed to:
Encounter youth where they are at.
Equip & Empower them to get to where they were made to be.
Remove all unnecessary hindrances that steal chances and choices.

The Pupil Project is founded on our 3 pillars of development. We use a holistic approach to build confidence, develop wisdom, and spiritual depth and maturity + real-life application to set individuals up for a healthy and successful life. We believe that if you have confidence in your God-given identity - coupled with discernment to make wise healthy choices, and a healthy mature relationship with God, there is truly nothing that can stop you!

Become skills teacher, life coach or mentor for The Pupil Project. There is always, at least, one young person waiting to learn from you. No skill is too small.