When people come together, things happen! Join us in the movement of using art and creativity to Inform, Inspire, and Impact the world for the greater good. Thank you! Every bit helps!
If you would like to make a tax- deductible contribution of a value not shown, please contact us. Thank you!
Donations are distributed in the following areas:
1) Assisting Modern Abolition's mission in making high quality products, services, and developmental programs that Inform, Inspire, and Impact the world for the greater good.
2) Support Modern Abolition's vision of it's team members, artisans, artists, and fellow creatives - being equipped, empowered, and encouraged to create movements of their own - fueling the pupil project and our investment and development of the “Pupil” interns for a powerful & impactful future.
3) Assist our monthly contributions we make to organizations we partner with to help remedy depravities in America and around the world - creating support, awareness, and providing financial resources that give help, hope, healing, and health to those in need.
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